Ros George


16 1/4" H with 2 3/4" base

"Qöchaf Kachina is one who occurs only on Second Mesa at the villages of Shungopavi and Shipaulovi. Just as ashes are used to purify objects during various ceremonies, the Ashes Kachina (Qöchaf) is used to purify the village, everyone and all things.

"He appears on the last day of Powamu and his arrival signals the beginning of the Bean Dance Procession."

- Barton Wright, Kachinas: a Hopi Artist's Documentary (25)

Ros George is another top-tier kachina carver whose work can be found in only the most descriminating collections. As an award-winning carver, he focuses primarily on pieces for his shows and long list of buyers from around the world.

Ros is featured in "Hopi Kachina Dolls and their Carvers" by Theda Bassman. His story is a compelling one. He started with animal figures, but has become well known for his Ahola - as presented here.

Ros took on his father's name after his father passed. He signs "R."

This is a nice example of a very collectible carver in his own unique style - clean and classic.

Gallery Price: $4,800.00


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